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How can we open a website in the Desktop version (normal view) with Safari on iOS (iPhone and iPad)

In general, web designers si developers de websiteplants, creates for them, besides the normal desktop version and a light version for mobile devices. Tablets, mobile phones, smartphones, iPhone si iPad. Mobile version of website It requires a simple interface with faster access to content and removing javascript scripts and other dynamic elements design that can hinder the visibility of web pages on small screens and mobile internet connections.

When accessing a website with Safari pe iPhone or iPad, the mobile version of the web page will automatically load. The clearest example is when we access This is how it looks when we access it normally from Safari, on iPhone 6 with iOS 9.


The mobile version of the web page has automatically opened. To see the index page (home page) of in the desktop version, on the iPhone, press and hold your finger for about 2 seconds on the "refresh" button in the Safari url address bar until the option " appears at the bottomRequest Desktop Site".


After clicking on "Request Desktop Site", The web page will refresh, after which it will be visible in the desktop version.


It is good to know that this does not work on all web pages that have a mobile version. There are web developers who created the web pages in such a way that the desktop version cannot be accessed from mobile devices, but only the version dedicated to mobile devices. Mobile phones and tablets. For these situations, Opera Browser for iOS and Android has a setting that allows this.

If we want to return to the mobile version of a website for which we have set "desktop view", we go to Settings > Safari > Advanced > website Data. We identify the website for which we set the desktop mode, then swipe from right to left to clear the cache.


We reopen the web page in Safari on the iPhone or iPad, and it will be loaded again in the mobile version. Do not delete this cache if the web page is already open in Safari. Close the Safari application completely, then go to delete website data.


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